matrixTests - Fast Statistical Hypothesis Tests on Rows and Columns of Matrices
Functions to perform fast statistical hypothesis tests on rows/columns of matrices. The main goals are: 1) speed via vectorization, 2) output that is detailed and easy to use, 3) compatibility with tests implemented in R (like those available in the 'stats' package).
Last updated 1 years ago
7.60 score 36 stars 8 dependents 272 scripts 1.7k downloadsbasetheme - Themes for Base Graphics Plots
Functions to create and select graphical themes for the base plotting system. Contains: 1) several custom pre-made themes 2) mechanism for creating new themes by making persistent changes to the graphical parameters of base plots.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.09 score 138 stars 18 scripts 453 downloadsannmatrix - Annotated Matrix: Matrices with Persistent Row and Column Annotations
Implements persistent row and column annotations for R matrices. The annotations associated with rows and columns are preserved after subsetting, transposition, and various other matrix-specific operations. Intended use case is for storing and manipulating genomic datasets which typically consist of a matrix of measurements (like gene expression values) as well as annotations about rows (i.e. genomic locations) and annotations about columns (i.e. meta-data about collected samples). But 'annmatrix' objects are also expected to be useful in various other contexts.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.81 score 13 stars 2 scripts 265 downloads